El Cultivo del Azafrán

En la primera quincena del mes de Noviembre, se recogen las flores a diario y durante veinte días.

El Cultivo del Azafrán

Nuestros bulbos reposan durante los meses de más calor los almacenados en naves agrícolas oscuras y frescas.

Zaffralia. El Cultivo del Azafrán

Cultivation The onion

After three years of posture of our plots, in the middle of May and June when the temperature is still soft, we begin with the extraction of bulbs, for subsequent cleaning and selection outer layers of the same health status. Our bulbs rest during the months of more heat stored in dark and fresh agricultural buildings. In mid-September, when the torrid summer has passed and the temperatures begin to drop, we made a preliminary selection of land suitable for this crop characteristics. Select land previously had not been planted saffron in the past 25 years, with sandy soils without slopes, which are to fulfill their life cycle.

Flower Collection

Time of flowering in late October and the first fortnight of November, flowers daily and collected for twenty days. We leave early in the morning so that neither the sun nor rain damaging the flower.


We receive flower in our facilities authorized to extend zones, and immediately begins saffron desbriznado skilled and experienced hands, with smooth movement extract the three stigmas.

The Tostao

The day does not end until saffron is roasted or dried. It extends in a thin layer on sieves or screens and subjected to a temperature of between 40 and 80 degrees 50 minutes. After let cool to room temperature and then had to store the product to not more than 25 degrees temperature.

Packing Saffron threads of the highest quality.

Pet or glass jar with twist-off to improve their conservation. intense flavor and excellent aroma and frecura Saffron Designation of Origin Castilla la Mancha. Prepared by 100% D.O of Castilla La Mancha. Collection and traditional process, taking care of each strand lovingly collected both in the roasting and subsequent storage to preserve the most of the qualities of saffron. Recognized worldwide as a mark of Designation of Origin Castilla la Mancha for their quality and reliability. Zàffrãlia marketed and packaged with the strictest food safety throughout the process and handling. In addition to having the warranty seal of Protected Designation of Origin «Saffron from La Mancha» it is the only guarantee of the origin of our product until the arrival to your kitchen. The real guarantee of quality of our product? Ask our customers.


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